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Historic medieval city walls of Avila. Spain.
UNESCO World Heritage. (12th century) Great Wall crenel crenellated tower The Tower of David in the City of David, Southern section of the Ramparts Walk in the Old City of Jerusalem Defensive wall and battlement in Vejer la Frontera. Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain crenellated brick wall Verona Scaliger Bridge with typical ghibelline battlement La Forteresse de Polignac Rusty iron cannon at crenel in the stone wall of Marvao Fort crenels, Lamu County, Lamu, Kenya Inverness Castle, Inverness , Scotland Lisbon, Portugal - February 1, 2013: Castelo de Sao Jorge aka Saint George Castle. Defensive walls with a view of the wallwalk, battlements, ramparts, merlons and crenels in the towers