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Surfers allow underdeveloped waves to pass. Miners sign of the work permit on isolation safety control lock box after completed rope access hight risk work 12 Hrs shift construction mine site, Perth, Australia Individual in an office setting applies a stamp to a document contract legal agreement, signifying approval or verification certification permit visa next to an open laptop. Macro shot of red stamp permitted and fountain pen on a form. businessman put a stamp on business contract in office Permits Concept on Folder Register. Imaginary General Urban Plan and Buildings Permit in rural areas - concept image - note: the map and the permit are totally invented and does not represent any real place Notary Stamp On Contract Paper Or Certificate Engineer or Architect checking the list of documents and approving the project, Approved buildings permit concept with approved residential building project, Construction project inspection. Stamp with finger on plan of house background. AI-driven communication platforms allow businesses to provide personalized messaging enhancing customer engagement and fostering long-term loyalty Work permit application on a table.