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Sad woman looking out of the window Bored woman with ffp2 face mask peeks out the window during quarantine over covid-19 crisis. Stay at home concept. Empty city under confinement. Valladolid, Spain. A man collects wooden puzzles with the words Covid-19 and Confinement. Coronavirus pandemic infection COVID-19. Isolation of people. Obstruction of the spread of the virus. Self-isolation. Quarantine a mother and her baby applauding from the balcony in solidarity with the health personnel who are healing the covid-19 Woman with mask looking out the window. Confinement and quarantine. The Royale street at Brussels without any people during the confinement period. A woman and a child sitting on the floor doing work. young girl confinement with face mask at home looking out the window A woman under quarantine at home, wearing a medical face mask and a casual outfit, is standing idle in front of a closed window, the hand on the glass, staring into space. A group of cattle in confinement in Brazil Girl looking out the window while locked up at home during confinement due to coronavirus Masque de protection covid19 dans un champs de pâquerettes pendant les vacances de printemps au moment du confinement - Aix en provence 10/04/2020