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Hand is turning a dice and changes the word Interracial couple moving into a new modern house, carrying boxes and arriving home together. Happy, excited and smiling husband and wife walking, entering and relocating after buying an apartment Happy daughter meeting her mother after work at home Kids coming back home with parents mom and dad, smiling cute children siblings with backpacks returning from school entering big modern hall, family of four happy to arrive at the house together A happy asian woman coming home from work. Happy couple welcoming at home. Invitation to come indoors Family spending time together at home Daughter entering bedroom of parents Home, love and a father hugging his kids after arriving through the front door after work during the day. Greeting, family or children with a man holding his son and daughter in the living room Senior man opening his front door to a female healthcare worker making a home health visit Happy boy and girl coming back home from school Loving couple at construction site of their new home dreams come true