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A hot air balloon flies in the sky as tourists walk on the top of the Pyramid of the Sun at dawn in the archaeological site of Teotihuacan, Mexico, December 21, 2012. People gathered at the ruins of the ancient city of Teotihuacan on the 21th of December of 2012 to pray and meditate on the date that coincides the 13th Baktun, the end of the Mayan long calendar that says that we are entering a new sun. Some people believe that change could led us to a New Age. The media was publishing news that Mayan Codex were telling about a supposed end of the world but this has been probed false.  coincide Solutions Exchange Global Events and Festivals: Some individuals plan their international leisure travel to coincide Moonrise and sunset coincide in Alaska for a colorful evening The Mothman's sightings often coincide with UFO sightings and other paranormal activity Potente puntatore laser con fascio verde. Fotografía de una taza de café en la barandilla de un balcón, con vista a una concurrida mañana otoñal en la ciudad. Joven sosteniendo cartel blanco en una calle concurrida de la ciudad Agree Two smiley, overjoyed female friends giving high five each other after their opinions coincided A person sitting in a therapist's office, a bottle of alcohol in one hand and a prescription bottle in the other, highlighting the complexity of co-occurring disorders