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Chimera evil monster mythology chimera Ancient Greek mythology. Chimera. Monster  with the head of a lion, a goat and a snake. Vector illustration in the style of Greek vase painting.. Head of Chimera Round Logo Design In Greek mythology the chimera was a monster that was a mix of lion goat and snake and lived in Lycia in Asia Minor. Chimera now means anything cobbled together. 3D Rendering chimera goat lion snake logo vector graphic design the mythological monster chimera Monumento mitologico Chimère de Notre-Dame regardant la tour Eiffel Chimera Pouncing Vector logo of Chimera, a lion monster with the head of a goat arising from its back and a snake's head as the tail Visualize a griffin guarding its realm from a top-down perspective, showcasing a fusion of regal lion features and majestic eagle wings, representing strategic leadership in a mythical world of