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Charlemagne Charles the Great king ,generated ai Charlemagne Charlemagne - empereur - portrait - personnage historique - personnage célèbre - histoire Charlemagne (Charles the Great) statue, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse Charlemagne  King and Emperor. Date: 742 - 814 Charlemagne, also called Charles I, byname Charles the Great, king of the Franks, king of the Lombards, and first emperor of the Romans and of what was later called. Generative AI technology. vitrail sacre charlemagne poitiers sainte radegonde france aix-la-chapelle...détail urbain Stained Glass - Charlemagne San Luigi dei Francesi Church Facade Detail with Statue of Charles the Great in Rome, Italy Charlamagne, King of Franks, First Holy Roman Emperor (Generative AI) Les Saints au temps de Charlemagne