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Chalybeate waters in the Bako National Park on Borneo. This red water, also known as ferruginous waters, are mineral spring waters containing salts of iron and is found in the jungle of the Park Mineral spring with rusty colored chalybeate water petit ruisseau d'eau ferrugineuse colorée en rouge se jetant dans la petite rivière Couze Pavin au bord d'un chemin de randonnée sources ferrugineuses Furnace Village indigobird or steelblue widowfinch, Vidua chalybeate Lac du Der en basses eaux à Giffaumont-Champaubert, Marne, France Terre et ruisseau Fontaine d'eau ferrugineuse Crane unloading mechanism with chains and hooks. Unloading reinforcement pipes by crane. Word or phrase Chalybeate in a dictionary. Portrait of a young worker in a hard hat.