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Capua Amphitheater - Capua amphitheatre 08 Capua Amphitheater Anfiteatro Campano 2 NAPLES, ITALY - AUGUST 7, 2016: The east side of the ancient city gate Porta Capuana. The gate gives name to the zone, which is one of the ten boroughs of Naples and part of the Fourth Municipality. Ruins of ancient Capua The Amphitheater of Capua, the second biggest roman amphitheater Capua - Facciata della Reale Sala d'Armi Sant'Angelo in Formis is an abbey in the municipality of Capua i Italy Sunset at the Roman amphitheater in the city of Santa Maria Capua Vetere in Italy, May 24th 2020 Church of Montevergine and ex monastery  Capua Capua, Italy, 01/12/2020. A clock on an arch in a street of the town Abbazia di sant'Angelo in Formis, Capua (CE)