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Colorful carpet of vineyards in autumn colors. Benevento, Italy The twin domes of San Pantaleone Church from Villa Rofolo in Ravello, Amalfi Coast (Costiera Amalfitana), Campania, Mediterranean Beautiful view of Amalfi on the Mediterranean coast with lemons in the foreground, Italy Small town Atrani on Amalfi Coast in province of Salerno, Campania region, Italy. Amalfi coast is popular travel and holyday destination in Italy. Capri map of the italian region campania with provinces and flag Positano resort, Italy regione campania Amalfi Coast, Campania, Italy Amalfi in the province of Salerno, Campania, Italy aerial view of Island of Nisida in the Naples gulf View of Positano village along Amalfi Coast in Italy at sunset.