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Collecting nesting material, Brandt Cormorant (Phalacrocorax penicillatus), with seaweed in beak, Monterey Bay, California Willy Brandt Statue in Unkel luftbild drohne abgebranntes haus mit sturmschaden feuer feuerwehr Willy Brandt House Museum, Lubeck A Brandt  bird (Branta bernicla) seen here standing on the shore.
Fine art, black and white, panoramic photo of an african elephants herd against dark background, standing on the bank of river Chobe, drinking water. Botswana safari. 18th century castle in park, Den Brandt, Wilrijk Brandt's Cormorant with eggs Brandt's Cormorant flying above water Feuerkorb Postage stamp Germany 1998 teapot, design by Marianne Brandt Vector illustration of an Exercise with Steps by Brandt Daroff for the Treatment of Vertigo in Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo, BPPV. Concept Vestibulology, Neurology, otology. Recommendation to the Patient