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Noble rot of a wine grape, grapes with mold, Botrytis Rose flowers affected by fungal infection - botrytis cinereal (gray rot). Petals are covered brown spots Grapes of white wine with botrytis - Weisse Traube mit Botrytis im Weinberg Boscalid fungicide molecule, illustration Noble rot of a wine grape, botrytised grapes Grey mold  on tomato Botrytised Chenin grape, early stage, Savenniere, France Typical grapes with botrytis cinerea for sweet wines, Sauternes, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France bush of strawberry Closeup of cannabis plant in early stages of bot rot or botrytis Botrytis gray mold fungus sporulation on berries . Spoiled strawberry harvest Gray mold on weed Chenopodium album - common names include lamb's quarters, melde, goosefoot, manure weed. Source of infection for crop plants.