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Closeup view of flower of Hong Kong Orchid Tree (Bauhinia X blakeana) Microscopic examination of eosinophils in blood with visible bilobed nuclei and cytoplasmic granules Ginkgo biloba L. yellow foliage. Fall Bauhinia acuminata, dwarf white bauhinia, white orchid-tree, snowy orchid A tree with green leaves on an autumn day. Ginkgo bilobed EOSINOPHIL ULTRASTRUCTURE (eosinophil seen under the electron microscope) Conophytum sp. A macro image of the  bilobed stigma of Convolvulus arvensis aka Bindweed. Gonkgo leaves and extract Eosinophils: A close-up of eosinophils, characterized by their bilobed nuclei and large granules staining red with eosin dye green leaf tree Green Field Speedwell (Veronica agrestis). Immature Fruit Closeup