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Barga town and Alpi Apuane mountains in winter. Garfagnana, Tuscany, Italy. Barga at Sunset Ancient Aqueduct of Barga was built in the course of the 15th century. It's a stone construction that assured water to the fountains in the historical centre. Barga, Garfagnana - Tuscany,. Italy barga The Devil's aka Maddalena's Bridge on the Rver Serchio, Bagni di Lucca, Borgo a Mozzano in Garfagnana, Italy. veduta dell'antico acquedotto del XVI secolo del paese di Barga, che dalla sua sorgente in località Rupina portava l'acqua fino nel Castello di Barga. Il borgo di origini medievali in provincia di Luc Scorcio panoramico di Barga Barga village in Tuscany Street in old town of Barga, Tuscany, Italy Medieval town Barga in Tuscany, Italy. Street lamp in the medieval town Collegiate Church of San Cristoforo