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Ancient city of Babylon with the tower of Babel, bible and religion, new testament, speech in different languages, generative AI The ancient city of Babylon with the tower of Babel, the bible and religion, new testament. Generative AI. Ancient cuneiform Sumerian text and winged statue of Lamassu, a mythical Assyrian deity. Historical background on the theme of civilizations of Assyria, Mesopotamia, Babylon, interfluve, Sumerian. Ancient Babylon gates in Mesopotamia Nebuchadnezzar Discovering the Rich Heritage of the Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian Civilization through the City of Mesopotamia, generative ai Vienna, Austria. 2019/10/23. Tower of Babel Ishtar-Gate entrance to the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq Wall mural, Babylon, Iraq Great walls of Babylon under the sunlight and a blue cloudy sky Copy of Ishtar gates in Babylon ruines , Iraq A coastal town found in babylon, persia, with a luxurious jungle and vegetation.