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typical andean textile Peru Aguayo andean  loom Blanket stripes seamless vector pattern. Background with ethnic american fabric pattern with colorful stripes. Serape design Traditional andean tapestry from northern Argentina and Bolivia. Andean Condor Profile and head shot Traditional andean knitting patterns construction andean highlands towering illustration architecture old, cross tourism, tower colonial construction andean highlands towering Mountain range Male andean cock-of-the-rock Rupicola peruvianus tunki passerine bird cotinga on tree branch near Machu Picchu Peru Andean flamingos (Phoenicoparrus andinus), Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve, Bolivia Pan flute o panpipes flute, folk musical instrument, and guitars on traditional andean fabric background at the market in Cuenca, Ecuador Very rare and shy andean bear in nature habitat. Unique photo of  andean or spectacled bears. Tremarctos ornatus.