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Bright summer view from flying drone of Cattedrale di San Ciriaco church and San Gregorio Illuminatore - Catholic church. Stunning morning cityscape of Ancona town, Italy, Europe. Ancona, Marche, Italy: night landscape of the bay with the ancient lazaretto Mole Vanvitelliana, pentagonal architecture built in 18th-century as a quarantine station Aerial view of port for import and export and Logistics, big port of Ancona, Italy Ancona, Marche region, Italy.Elegant monument on the sea supported by 8 Doric columns and dedicated to the fallen of the First World War. View of the city of Ancona from the port, Italy. View of Ancona port and cityscape. Cathedral of San Ciriaco in Italian town Ancona church inside cave in Italy - Marche - the temple of Valadier church near Frasassi caves in Genga Ancona Night view of the Basilica of the Holy House and fountain decorated with statues, Loreto, Province of Ancona, Marche Panoramic view of the port of Ancona in the Marche region, Italy. Passeto sunset Ancona Italy The Monument to the Fallen of the First World War in Ancona, Marche, Italy.