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 The frescos in Baptistery of Duomo or The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta by Giusto de Menabuoi (1375-1376). Les Saints au temps de Charlemagne TURIN, ITALY - MARCH 15, 2017: The symbolic fresco of Twelve apostles  in church Chiesa di San Dalmazzo by Enrico Reffo (1914). Icon of all Saints of the Kyiv Caves (Kiev Caves) Biblical Saint Statues Door Notre Dame Cathedral Paris France Fleur-de-Lis Illustration Set — Solid Silhouettes biblical gathering Collection of cartoon followers of Jesus Christ Wooden statues of patron saints during the annual festival of Saint Vincent Tournante (Turning St. Vincent), held in one of the wine producing villages in Burgundy, created in 1938 by the Confrerie des Chevaliers du Tastevin (Confraternity of the Knights Celestial court convened, with saints and sinners alike facing the divine tribunal of justice, judgment day, doomsday, God is Judging, Family Saints Saint Michael, Saint Raphael and Saint Gabriel, Archangels