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Castle of the Counts of Modica in Alcamo seen at night, Sicily, Italy Italy, Sicily, Alcamo, gravestones against moody sky Coastline with rocks and deep blue sea near Castellamare del Golfo by entrance to natural reserve Zingaro, Sicily, Italy Sicily magnificent Italy bay view yacht club Castello Mare Alcamo clean sea Castellammare del Golfo sea bay, Sicily, Italy Architectural Views of the Religious Temples in Alcamo, Trapani Province, Sicily, Italy Segesta (Sicilia) Castello dei Conti di Modica. fotografia col drone del tempio di segesta in sicilia Alcamo: Beautiful painting of an Italian village with the name Alcamo in Sicilia Cefalu. Ligurian Sea and old town-medieval sicilian city panorama della città di Alcamo, in sicilia.